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Pretty Nude Girls

Pretty Nude Girls


Username: eroticg
Description: Hot nymphets show their almost naked bodys
Category: Site
Member Since: 2022-04-03

Average Rating: 3 / 5
Number of Ratings: 6


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Daily Unique PVs Total PVs Unique In Total In Unique Out Total Out
Average 1,129.5 1,537.1 0.0 0.0 12.9 13.9
Today 1,050 1,434 0 0 14 15
Yesterday 1,147 1,557 0 0 8 8
February 06 1,126 1,535 0 0 13 15
February 05 1,131 1,507 0 0 11 12
February 04 1,189 1,619 0 0 10 10
February 03 1,049 1,434 0 0 11 11
February 02 1,091 1,467 0 0 22 25
February 01 1,256 1,740 0 0 16 17
January 31 1,005 1,326 0 0 9 10
January 30 1,251 1,752 0 0 15 16
Highest 5,794 16,231 0 0 83 88
Weekly Unique PVs Total PVs Unique In Total In Unique Out Total Out
Average 7,790.9 10,796.4 0.0 0.0 104.7 112.8
This Week 6,692 9,086 0 0 67 71
Last Week 0 0 0 0 0 0
Week 04 7,767 10,623 0 0 114 123
Week 03 8,241 11,414 0 0 104 120
Week 02 8,387 11,156 0 0 113 121
Week 01 7,573 9,947 0 0 154 171
Week 52 5,962 8,345 0 0 75 78
Week 51 10,824 15,397 0 0 104 110
Week 50 11,084 15,712 0 0 153 160
Week 49 11,379 16,284 0 0 163 174
Highest 35,290 98,895 0 0 430 467
Monthly Unique PVs Total PVs Unique In Total In Unique Out Total Out
Average 40,195.0 55,374.0 0.0 0.0 316.5 339.5
This Month 9,039 12,293 0 0 105 113
Last Month 29,621 39,933 0 0 447 493
December 24 43,724 62,169 0 0 556 587
November 24 44,846 63,342 0 0 257 272
October 24 41,316 57,325 0 0 483 529
September 24 37,954 48,945 0 0 224 249
August 24 48,088 60,697 0 0 260 280
July 24 45,360 57,584 0 0 275 291
June 24 51,046 75,397 0 0 273 280
May 24 50,956 76,055 0 0 285 301
Highest 104,653 338,856 0 0 1,633 1,751
Unique PVs Total PVs Unique In Total In Unique Out Total Out
Overall 1,173,952 2,436,263 0 0 13,363 14,468
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